Following paragraph written by Sequestrum editors:
Dawid’s “Sex and the Piano” is brilliant. At times blunt, at others subtle, Dawid merges art and identity right from the title. But she doesn’t stop there. “Sex and the Piano” is a masterclass in metaphor, character, and pacing used in a longer short story. You’ll see what we mean from the first paragraph:
Annie Dawid
april 2023
“Faith,” Reprint
“Marceline Baldwin Meets Jim Jones,” Fall 2021, The Jonestown Report https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=110978
“Heraklion,” March 2021, Casket of Fictional Delights, UK website https://thecasket.co.uk/story/heraklion/
“June’s 21st Birthday and the Mothers,” January 2020, Casket of Fictional Delights, UK website.https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/short-story-junes-21st-birthday-and-the-mothers/id445340968?i=1000463373043
“The Closer You Were, the Less You Knew,” Sequestrum Reprint Award Winner, 2019, http:// https://www.sequestrum.org/fiction-the-closer-you-were-the-less-you-knew
“Snow Blossoms,” Arts & Letters, 20-year-anniversary edition, Spring 2019. http://artsandletters.gcsu.edu/issue-38/
“Sacred and Profane Dances,” The London Independent Story Project, semifinalist https://www.londonindependentstoryprize.co.uk/post/winners-announcement
“Toast,” Fictive Dream, January 2018 https://fictivedream.com/2018/01/07/toast/
“Something Like Pleasure,” Casket of Fictional Delights, Spring 2018https://thecasket.co.uk/story/something-like-pleasure/
“Alchemy,” Brilliant Flash Fiction, June 2018 https://brilliantflashfictionmag.wordpress.com/2018/06/30/issue-18-june-2018/#more-3001
“The Locked Box in My Closet,” London Independent Story Project, November 2018, https://www.londonindependentstoryprize.co.uk/single-post/2018/08/12/Winning-Stories-of-3rd-Quarter-The-London-Independent-Story-Prize
“Icarus,” New Millennium/Musepaper, December 1, 2018 http://newmillenniumwritings.org/icarus/ https://musepaper.org/page/2/
“Long Before Jonestown,” 2017 http:// https://fictivedream.com/2017/05/28/long-before-jonestown-indianapolis-1956/
“Not Exactly in Hiding 1944: Bucharest,” The Casket of Fictional Delights, June 9, 2017 http://www.thecasket.co.uk/story/not-exactly-hiding-1944-bucharest/
“Abby and Al in the Desert, Together,” Reflex Fiction, June 3, 2017https://www.reflexfiction.com/abby-and-al-in-the-desert-together-by-annie-dawid/
“Three-Shot Induction,”Reflex Fiction, July 4, 2017 https://www.reflexfiction.com/three-shot-induction-by-annie-dawid/
“On Sundays,” Windmill, September 2017 https://hofstrawindmill.com/2017/09/12/september-2017-fiction-on-sundays-by-annie-dawid/
“Goldilocks Running,” Brilliant Flash Fiction, September 2017, https://brilliantflashfictionmag.wordpress.com/2017/09/18/concealment-writing-contest-results/#more-2783
“Caught,” Reflex Fiction, October 2017 https://www.reflexfiction.com/caught-by-annie-dawid/
“June in December,” Windmill, November 2017 https://hofstrawindmill.com/2017/11/17/holiday-17-june-in-december-by-annie-dawid/
“Jonestown, Japantown,” Joyland, November 11, 2016
“The Doc Who Examined Her,” Spelk, October, 2016
“Native to Nothing,” Fictive Dream, August 23, 2016
“My Tatelah,” Avis Magazine, 2016
“Instinct,” Tikkun, May 3, 2016

“Still at Sea,” Spelk, February 29, 2016
“What Happens to Smart Women,” Litro, February 11, 2016
“The Elizabeths,” (forthcoming) in Tall Tales, Fiction Attic Press, 2016″The Empathic Listener,” Knut House Magazine, volume 1, 2015
“Espresso Induces,” Spelk, September 30, 2015
“Saved by the Pig,” Structo, August, 2015

“Love Letter to Dr. Burns,” Spelk, July 29, 2015
“The Hero’s Son,” Poetica Magazine, eStory Edition, June-December, 2015″Touching Rim,” Kudzo Magazine, 2015
“Innocence,” Storyboard Magazine, June 11, 2015
“The Meteorite Shower”,” Nowhere Magazine, May, 2015
“Gone by Train,” Octavius Magazine, March 28, 2015
“Streetlights,” Storyboard Magazine, March 8, 2015
“Only Connect,” The Casket of Fictional Delights, July, 2014
“The Empathic Listener,” Storyboard, June, 2014
“Susurrus,” Storyboard Magazine, June 1, 2014
“Fred,” 1000 Words, April 2014
“Telegraphing the Fox,” Fiction Attic, March 2014″Nitza Kosher Pizza” (Orlando Flash Fiction Winner), Los Angeles Review, Spring 2013″Instinct,” Colorado Central, Jan/Feb 2013
“Mameleh’s Monologue,” Colorado Central, Feb. 2011″Mamelah’s Monologue,” Grain Magazine, Fall/Early Winter/Mid-Winter 2009
“The German-Chinese Refugee,” Rokovoko, February 2008
“The Closer You Were, The Less You Knew,” Glimmer Train, Winter, 2007
“Sabbath: 1900,” Poetica, 2007. [Section of Darkness]
“Knowing What I Know,” Driftwood: A Literary Journal of Voices from Afar, May 2006. [Jonestown]
“In Dostoyevsky’s Atmosphere: 1980,” Out of Line, 2006. [Section of Darkness]
“The Nazi’s Daughter Falls in Love, 1933,” Poetica, 2006 [Section of Darkness]
“Calisthenics: Bucharest, 1950,” writingsite.com featured story January 2006 [Section of Darkness]
“The Teacher’s Apology Poem,” The Teacher’s Voice 2005.
“Celestine Du Bois Plays Brahms, 1943” Paper Street, 2005
“The Nazi’s Daughter Falls in Love, 1933,” Poetica, 2005“Lily in the Desert,” Sacred Bearings, Fall 2003
“Reasons to Live Through This Year,” Coe Review, Spring 2003
“Una & Ultima,” Pacific Review, Spring 2003
“Salesgirl, 1915,” Dogwood, Spring 2003
“Boy at the Piano,” Clackamas Literary Review, Fall 2001.
“Whatever You Two Call Yourselves,” Permafrost, Summer 2000.
“The Teacher’s Apology Poem,” Phoebe: A Journal of Literary Arts, 1999.”The Teacher’s Apology Poem,” Art & Academe, 1999.
“Snow Blossoms,” Arts & Letters, Spring 1999.
“Faith,” Toyon 1999.”The Man Who Remained Upright,” Art and Understanding, May 1996.”Tradition,” Blueline, 1995.
“The View from Telegraph Hill,” Short Story, 1995.
“One Little Room An Everywhere,” Yellow Silk, 1994.
“Moses at St. Cloud,” Jewish Spectator, 1994.
“Zoe Mae at Sea,” Salmon Magazine, 1994.
“Icarus,” Rain City Review, Winter 1993.
“What’s Keeping Hannah,” Willamette Week, 1992.
“Grace,” Sierra Nevada Review, 1992.
“The Last Boy,” Blueline, 1992.
“Moses at St. Cloud,” The Jewish Review, Spring 1992.
“A Girl Needs God More than Men (Do),
” Eclectic Literary Forum, Summer 1991.
“Hourglass,” The Grasslands Review, Spring 1991.
“Town Butcher,” Blueline 1991.
“Pleasure,” Santa Clara Review, Spring 1991.
“Crop Rotation,” North Country 1990.
“Listening to Deutschland: 1980,
” Response: A Contemporary Jewish Review, Winter 1990.
“The Avocado Argument,” Blueline 1990.
“Mourning Dove,” Folio, Winter 1989-1990/Spring 1990.
“Zoe Mae Joins the Coast Guard,” The Northern Review, Winter 1989.
“Why Zoe Mae Can’t See the Blind Man’s Eyes,” The Gettysburg Review, Summer 1989.
“Antidote,” Blueline 1989.
“The Meteorite Shower,” Willow Springs, Spring 1989.
“On Crete,” Quarterly West, Summer-Fall 1988.
“Cusp of Winter,” Dickinson Review, Spring 1987.
Anthologies, Fiction

“Telegraphing the Fox,” featured in Flash in the Attic, Fiction Attic Press, August 2016
Order the Kindle edition here or the paperback edition here!
“Jonestown: Thirty Years On,” Best New Writing 2015, October, 2014
“Homeless with Dad,”Best New Writing, 2014
“On Sundays,” Growing Up Girl: An Anthology of Voices from Marginalized Spaces, ed. Michelle Sewell, GirlChild Press, 2006.
“The Last Boy,” The Blueline Anthology, Syracuse University Press, 2003.
“One Little Room an Everywhere,” Voices from the Couch, ed. Robie Darche Wiesner, AmEricaPress, 2002.
“Listening to Deutschland: 1980,” in Bittersweet Legacy: Studies in the Shoah, vol. XXIV, American University Presses, 2001.

“Boy at the Piano,” American Fiction No. 10, New Rivers Press, 1999.
“The Settlement,” American Fiction No. 4, Birch Lane Press, 1993.
“Invented Sisters,” Women on Women II, New American Library, 1993.
“Antidote,” Deep Fork Anthology 1989.