2019 “Thanksgiving Death https://www.hivhereandnow.com/wad2019-poems/poem-7-%C2%B1-november-7-2019/
“Pornography of the Mute,” “The Art of Blacking Out,” “Familial Dysautonomia,” Ache (UK), 2018
“The Other Jewish Disease,” Poetica Magazine: Contemporary Jewish Writing, 2015
“Not a Plastic Bag,” Canon Beat, September 2010
“Gone by Train,” Literary Review, 2004
“The Art of Blacking Out,” Recycled Quarterly, 2002
“Anatomie of the World,” Art & Understanding, July 1997
“Pig,” 5 AM, no. 7/8, 1997
“Goethe’s Tree,” California Quarterly, 1996
“Practicum for Dr. Hippocrates,” The Kerf, 1996
“Route One,” Rigorous 1993
“Goethe’s Tree,” A Tribute to William Stafford, Portland Poetry Festival, 1993
“The Art of Blacking Out,” Berkeley Poetry Review, 1993-94
“The Art of Blacking Out,” The Poetry Among Us,” Portland Poetry Festival, 1992
“The Art of Blacking Out,” and “Final Swim,” Rigorous, Fall 1992
“Familial Dysautonomia,” in SIFRUT: The Northern California Jewish Literary Bulletin, Winter 1991,
“Heartland,” The Eleventh Muse, 1991
Anthologies, Poetry

“Stateless Person,” “Taking the Holocaust to Bed,” “Goethe’s Tree,”Beyond Lament: Poets of the World Bearing Witness to the Holocaust, Northwestern University Press, 1998
“The Art of Blacking Out,” Sleeping with Dionysus, Crossing Press, CA, 1994
“Taking the Holocaust to Bed.” Out Rage, Women’s Press, Toronto, Canada, 1993